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Our Values
Welcome to our Market Values page!
As an organization, we wanted to make clear guidelines for the ways in which we expect anyone that attends one our markets or events should interact with those around them. These rules are to help maintain and encourage a safe and fun environment where food insecurity issues can be stopped. Below the listed values are definitions and examples or discrimination and harassment. Whether it is your first time at one of our markets, or your hundredth time, we expect everyone to act with respect and compassion! Thank you!
-The Bulb Team
Definition: the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people.
The unequal and unfair treatment of individuals or groups based on their race or ethnic background. This can manifest in racist remarks, hiring biases, racial profiling, and systemic disparities in access to education, housing, healthcare, and other opportunities.
Discrimination based on a person's gender, often targeting women and other gender minorities. This can take the form of unequal pay, gender-based violence, limited reproductive rights, and societal stereotypes that perpetuate harmful gender norms.
Unfair treatment of individuals based on their age. This can occur in the workplace, where older employees may face stereotypes or be denied job opportunities, or in healthcare, where older people may receive inadequate medical attention due to ageist assumptions.
Discrimination against individuals with disabilities, often resulting in the denial of equal access to education, employment, transportation, and public spaces. This can include the absence of assistive technologies, inaccessible environments, and prejudicial attitudes.
Prejudice and bias against individuals based on their religious beliefs or affiliations. This can lead to discrimination in employment, housing, education, and even violence or persecution against religious minorities.
Discrimination targeting individuals based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. This can result in social exclusion, denial of legal rights, hate crimes, and limited access to healthcare or social services.
Unequal treatment based on an individual's economic status. This can result in limited access to quality education, healthcare, housing, and job opportunities due to poverty or wealth disparities.
Discrimination based on an individual's country of origin or nationality. This can lead to exclusion, xenophobia, racial profiling, and denial of equal rights and opportunities.
Discrimination based on a person's weight or body size. People who are overweight or obese often face prejudice, body shaming, and limited access to employment, healthcare, or public accommodations.
Definition: to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct
This form of harassment involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or any conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment at workplaces, educational institutions, or public spaces.
Bullying is generally associated with the school environment. It consists of repeated and intentional aggressive behavior, which can be physical, verbal, or psychological in nature. This harassment includes things like teasing, name-calling, spreading rumors, or social exclusion.
With the rise of technology and social media, a new form of harassment has emerged: cyberbullying. It involves using electronic communication to harass or intimidate someone, often through mean-spirited comments, threats, or the spreading of rumors or embarrassing photos online.
Racial harassment occurs when a person is subjected to offensive, derogatory, or discriminatory actions or comments based on their race or ethnicity. This type of harassment can create a hostile environment and perpetuate discrimination.
Stalking involves unwanted and obsessive attention, often through repeated actions, gestures, or behaviors by an individual toward another person. This can occur in person or through various means of communication, such as phone calls, messages, or social media.
Street harassment encompasses intrusive and unwelcome behavior, comments, gestures, or actions that occur in public spaces, such as catcalling, leering, or groping. It can make individuals feel afraid, uncomfortable, and threatened in their own communities.
Religious harassment occurs when a person is targeted based on their religious beliefs or practices. This can include offensive comments, discriminatory treatment, or even physical violence motivated by religious intolerance.
Disability harassment involves treating someone with a disability different than someone able-bodied
As an organization, our goal is to give food to all people, but if our staff, volunteers or other customers feel unsafe or unwelcome, you will be asked to leave. Thank you for understanding and respecting our community.